اعشاب طبية

Homemade herbal treatment for rheumatism: honey and olive oil are the best

Treating rheumatism with herbs at home is one of the things that many people are looking for, as we find that rheumatism affects many people at different age levels, which causes severe pain in the joints and everyone wants to get rid of it, since it hinders a person’s movement and he is unable to do daily tasks, and therefore everyone wants In knowing an easy treatment away from medical treatments, and through this article we will provide you with the details.

Treating rheumatism with herbs at home

There are many natural herbs that are used to treat rheumatism, and scientific studies have proven their effectiveness, and they can be known through the following:


  • It is considered one of the herbs used to treat many diseases, including rheumatism.
  • It helps treat arthritis due to the anti-inflammatory elements it contains.
  • You can eat four cups of ginger every day for best results.

Green tea:

  • Studies have shown that it reduces inflammation and swelling in the joints.
  • You can eat it daily by drinking 4 to 6 cups.
  • It is preferable to have it under the supervision of a doctor so that it does not affect your health.
  • In addition to many other natural herbs such as: cinnamon and turmeric, as they contain important and
  • necessary elements that help in getting rid of the acute pain caused by rheumatism.
  • Treating rheumatism with food

There are many foods that work to relieve rheumatic pain, and also work to reduce inflammation and the risks that occur because of it, and this is what we explain through the following:

Fish and fish oil: This type of food contains a high percentage of Omega-3, and thus helps reduce the

incidence of inflammation that is accompanied by severe joint pain.

Vegetables and fruits: It is known that this type of food also contains antioxidants, which work to get rid of inflammation, such as polyphenols, in addition to vitamin C. The best fruits can be identified, such as: berries, in addition to leafy vegetables.

Raw nuts and grains: They work to relieve the pain that everyone suffers from, such as: walnuts, sesame, and flax seeds.
Turmeric and ginger: It can also be said that this home herbal treatment for rheumatism  also helps relieve inflammation without the need to take painkillers, and this is what we find in turmeric and ginger.
Treating rheumatism with olive oil

Olive oil is one of the best antioxidants that help treat arthritis in the body, as it contains several benefits, which are as follows:

  • It relieves the pain that many people suffer from in the morning.
  • You can take olive oil twice a day, 10 milliliters, for 12 weeks.
  • It is preferable to take nutritional supplements that contain a high percentage of olive oil.
  • In order to increase the benefit of these nutritional supplements to reduce pain, it is preferable to take fish oil supplements, as this also contributes to alleviating the pain associated with rheumatism patients.
  • We also find that some individuals put olive oil on many foods and this is very beneficial for them, as you can
  • put it on salads or when sautéing vegetables.
  • Moreover, you can put olive oil on the ointments that you use to treat rheumatism, as this moisturizes the area and thus helps get rid of the pain faster.
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Treating rheumatism with herbs at home

Learn about…the best herbal treatment for rheumatism at home. Consult a doctor

Treating rheumatism with honey

It is worth noting that treating rheumatism with herbs at home has a strong treatment effect. We also find that honey is one of the foods that contains amazing benefits, and this is what we explain as follows:

Honey contributes to the treatment of rheumatism because it contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial elements.
In addition, it also treats chronic diseases because it contains antioxidants such as phenols and flavonoids.
On the other hand, we find that it helps reduce motor disabilities and stress experienced by the patient.
It can be said that when adding cinnamon to honey, the nutritional elements increase and thus works to alleviate the symptoms that accompany inflammation of the joints and muscles due to the presence of antioxidants known for their importance and their ability to treat many diseases that affect humans.
While when honey is added to apple cider vinegar, we find that it purifies the body and gets rid of bacteria and viruses.
But it is necessary to know that eating a lot of honey helps to gain weight, unlike treating rheumatism with herbs at home, which maintains weight without causing any harm to health.
Treating rheumatism with fruits

There are many fruits that doctors recommend to rheumatism patients because they contain a high percentage of calcium and potassium, and we will find this through the following points:

Bananas: Bananas are one of the fruits rich in potassium, as they contain 358 mg per 100 grams.
Watermelon: Watermelon also contains 267 mg, so doctors advise these patients to eat it, but in quantities prescribed by the treating physician to the patient due to the differences in cases from one another.
Oranges: We also find that 100 grams of oranges contain 181 mg of potassium.
Apricots: It can also be said that this fruit also contains 259 mg per fruit, while it can be said that dried apricots contain a higher percentage, as it contains 11,162 mg per 100 grams.

Thus, we find that fruits work to strengthen the immune system, in addition to reducing inflammation of the joints, hands, and spine. On the other hand, we find treating rheumatism with home herbs is one of the important things that can be eaten next to these fruits to obtain amazing benefits.

Treating rheumatism with cupping

Cupping helps in treating rheumatism, in addition to the medications that the doctor prescribes to the patient, as it includes several benefits that can be known through the following:

  • It works to relieve rheumatic and joint pain.
  • In addition, it has a major role in reducing severe pain in the neck and back for people suffering from rheumatism.
  • It also works to reduce the symptoms that lead to rheumatoid arthritis.
  • In the same context, it can be said that cupping stimulates oily substances that play a major role in improving
  • the performance of the joints and reduces the occurrence of any inflammation in them as a result of the friction process.
  • It also helps to get rid of acute pain resulting from rheumatism, in addition to muscle spasms.
  • It is worth noting that it also helps in getting rid of lethargy and laziness, and even helps in giving the body vitality and activity.
  • It also has an effective effect in eliminating numbness that affects the feet, hands and shoulders.
  • Moreover, it contributes to improving the patient’s psychological state and relieving him of anxiety, stress, and depression.
  • But it is necessary to know that cupping does not replace medications, but it is better to do them together to obtain the best possible results.


Thus, we have presented to you a method of treating rheumatism with herbs at home, which helps to get rid of joint inflammation in the body, as we find that these natural herbs are important to everyone, unlike other therapeutic ointments, in addition to that they are available in all homes and can be taken at any time possible, and accordingly. Basic: Goodbye to rheumatic pain, which makes it difficult for you to carry out all the tasks in life.

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Herbal Prescription Developer BY Mohamed SAeed