اعشاب طبية

The benefits of Melissa for the body save you from visiting the doctor

Melissa herb is considered a versatile plant, particularly in the field of medicine, due to its numerous benefits for human health.

The importance of consuming Melissa tea has emerged, especially for women during

the menstrual period. Furthermore, personal experiences of some men have shown that it has an effective impact on improving cognitive functions and cognitive skills,

particularly its significant role in reducing feelings of stress and insomnia.

This is attributed to the compounds and acids that help promote relaxation and comfort.

It is always advisable to consume Melissa tea in moderation.

Additionally, a small amount of powdered Melissa leaves can be added to salads and dishes to increase their nutritional value without adding extra calories.

What are the benefits of lemon balm for hormones

Melissa herb contains natural properties that help regulate hormones and reduce muscle spasms experienced by women in the abdominal and pelvic area during the menstrual cycle.

Drinking a cup of Melissa infusion can help in treating irregular menstrual cycles and relieving abdominal pain in women.

It is recommended to consume about 100 grams of Melissa herb daily during the menstrual cycle, as it can alleviate the pain caused by menstrual cramps over a period of three consecutive cycles.

Indeed, Melissa herb plays an active role in promoting lactation and cleansing the uterus after childbirth. It also helps in stimulating ovulation to produce new high-quality eggs and relaxes the uterine muscles in the premenstrual period.

Benefits of Melissa herb for the brain

Studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of Melissa herb on the brain,

and it has been found that consuming it has an impact on cognitive functions such as concentration, memory, and problem-solving abilities.

It has also been observed that the brain’s reception of cognitive information improves with the use of Melissa herb.

The administration of Melissa herb-infused beverage was provided to a group of individuals who underwent an experiment to assess the effects of Melissa herb on the brain.

It was discovered that those individuals experienced an improvement in cognitive skills and outperformed others who did not consume Melissa herb.

The importance of lemon balm for sleep

A woman with insomnia is wondering about the truth of the benefits of lemon balm for sleep.

A plant expert replied that lemon balm plays a big role in relaxing the body and calming the nerves.

It also reduces the feeling of tension and anxiety, which helps to sleep deeply.

The reason is due to its content of rosmarinic acid, which stimulates the feeling of drowsiness and calm before bed.

It also has an effective role in relieving the feeling of some pains that prevent patients from sleeping peacefully.

studies have shown that lemon balm has benefits in relieving pain caused by digestive gas disorders, such as bloating, indigestion, and gas retention.

The best way to prepare lemon balm tea is to put 2 grams of dried lemon balm leaves in a cup, add some boiling water, and let the infusion steep in the boiling water for 10 minutes.

Drink it in the evening before bed to relax. You can also add a little chamomile.

Benefits of lemon balm for sores

The best way to prepare lemon balm tea is to put 2 grams of dried lemon balm leaves in a cup,

add some boiling water, and let the infusion steep in the boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink it in the evening before bed to relax. You can also add a little chamomile.

Benefits of lemon balm for nausea

drinking lemon balm tea affects the digestive system and relieves recurring abdominal pain due to gas retention, and also treats nausea.

National Center for Biotechnology Information published the results of research that was conducted on lemon balm.

The study found that eating candy that contained lemon balm herbs helped to reduce the symptoms of indigestion.

The importance of lemon balm for the colon

 benefits of Melissa herb can be relied upon to treat IBS problems, because it contains substances that help expel gas and reduce cramps such as linalool, citronellal, rosmarinic acid, and geraniol.

studies have shown that taking Melissa three times a day can help treat the cramps caused by irritable bowel syndrome and relieve the pain caused by it.

researchers have also found that these herbs have a strong effect on improving intestinal motility and reducing intestinal inflammation that leads to irritable bowel syndrome.

عشبة ميليسا
Melissa herb

Benefits of lemon balm for headaches and teeth

One of the most important effects of lemon balm is that it can lead to headaches resulting from tooth decay

and tooth infection, and it can also lead to fluctuations that lead to anxiety and fear.

Drinking lemon balm tea helps you feel calm and relaxed, and you can also take a lemon balm supplement to get the same positive effect of the drink.

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The importance of lemon balm for pregnant women

There are many health benefits of drinking lemon balm tea in general, in alleviating abdominal

and colon pain. Medicated creams made from lemon balm can also be used to relieve skin ulcers.

Despite this, the benefits of lemon balm for pregnant women are still being studied.

The side effects of consuming lemon balm tea or taking supplements containing its composition may harm

the health of the fetus and negatively affect the health of the pregnant woman.

Eating these herbs causes a feeling of vomiting, nausea, and dizziness, and these symptoms

may become more severe as the woman feels pregnancy symptoms in the first three months.

Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor before a pregnant woman consumes lemon balm tea to ensure its effect on the health of the mother and fetus, and to rule out potential harm from consuming it for a long time.

Benefits of lemon balm for slimming

One of the most important benefits of lemon balm for health is that it does not contain any calories that cause you to gain excess weight. It is also one of the herbs rich in dietary fiber that improves bowel movement and helps digest food better.

Eating Melissa reduces the mass of adipose tissue, breaks down fats that harm the health of the arteries and blood vessels, and prevents the liver from storing fats.

Therefore, drinking boiled lemon balm is beneficial for people who suffer from obesity. It has also been shown to have an effective effect for people with diabetes because it controls the blood sugar level and also lowers blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure.

Benefits of lemon balm for men

It is believed that drinking boiled lemon balm increases sexual desire in men. It also relieves tension during intimate relations and treats erectile dysfunction in some men who suffer from it.

Benefits of lemon balm for hair

Melissa herb provides many aesthetic benefits to the hair, the most important of which are the following:

  • It helps reduce scalp infections affected by dandruff and itching.
  • Reduces oily hair secretions.
  • Nourishing hair because it contains flavonoids and antioxidants necessary for the vitality of weak hair follicles.
  • Preventing hair loss and split ends.

Benefits of lemon balm for heart health

Lemon balm contains beneficial properties for the heart, the most important of which are:

  • Protects against heart attacks.
  • Activates blood circulation.
  • Treatment of tachycardia.
  • Protects against atherosclerosis that leads to strokes.

Side effects of taking Melissa herb

There are some side effects that appear in groups of people with thyroid disorders or who take tranquilizers, such as:

  • Head pain.
  • Dizziness and vomiting.
  • Skin irritation due to an allergic reaction to the components of the Melissa herb
  • Severe stomach pain.
  • Pain while urinating.
  • High temperature.

Melissa herb offers several health benefits to the heart and arteries,  research and studies have shown that

it has great importance and a positive impact on the sexual health of both men and women. Therefore, it is recommended to drink lemon balm daily in order to stimulate sexual desire before establishing an intimate relationship. It is preferable to consult a doctor in order to Determine the appropriate amount of herb.

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Herbal Prescription Developer BY Mohamed SAeed