
Benefits of Original Aloe Vera Gel Discover the ancient secret of healing and beautification

Every woman searches for the best products that help her get radiant hair and face with an attractive and wonderful appearance, and because original aloe vera gel is considered one of the best products that have gained wide fame in the field of hair and skin beautification, we find that most women resort to using it frequently, but there are many The products in the markets are from it, which caused doubt and confusion to haunt them because they do not know the original products from the traditional ones. For this reason, today we wanted to clarify all the differences between them so that every woman can purchase what is suitable for her, away from commercial fraud.

Original aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is characterized by its strong bitter taste, which makes it unfit for food. However, it has many other benefits in which it can be used, whether for the face or hair. Because there are many traditional products in the markets, today we wanted to clarify the difference between the original aloe vera gel and the traditional one.

It is worth noting that the original product is characterized by its dark green color, while in the case of the traditional product we find that its color is light green. Likewise, the original product has a heavy consistency, while the traditional product is light. We also find that the original aloe vera gel is free of any chemicals or alcohol, while The traditional product contains both.

In addition, the original product is written as 99% concentration, and it contains avocado extract, while the traditional product is written as 92% concentration and contains castor oil extract.

The best types of aloe vera gel for the skin

There are many types of original aloe vera gel on the market that can be used for the skin, but we will show you the best ones through the following:

Amara Aloe Vera Gel Amara Organics Aloe Vera Gel

  • It is considered one of the best types that can be used for the skin, as it contains a high percentage of aloe vera gel, estimated at about 99.75%.
  • Effective in moisturizing the skin and relieving sunburn.
  • In addition, it is effective after shaving to relieve cuts and burns resulting from it.
  • It reduces skin blemishes and treats insect bites.
  • It is effective in removing pimples, as well as softens and moisturizes the skin to a high degree.
  • In addition, it is free of alcohol, parabens, and chemicals.
  • It is quickly absorbed by the skin and does not have any odor.

Nature Republic Aloe Vera 92% Gel

  • Suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Effective in moisturizing the skin.
  • It soothes itching and burning of the skin, and also relieves redness.
  • Free of parabens and synthetic oils.

Natur Sense Organic Aloe Vera Gel

  • Economical package suitable for the family.
  • Effective in maintaining healthy face and hair.
  • Moisturizes the skin, treats sunburn, and treats acne.
  • It is considered the best type of original aloe vera gel for the skin. Because it contains a 99.75% concentration of aloe vera gel.
  • It does not contain perfumes, parabens, or gluten.
  • Moreover, it is quickly absorbed, so it is suitable for oily skin.
  • It is considered a natural antifungal, bacteria and viruses.
  • Rich in essential vitamins, enzymes, minerals and proteins, which help nourish and moisturize the skin wonderfully.

Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera Foam Cleanser Gel

  • It deeply cleanses the skin and rids it of dirt. It also treats acne.
  • Reduces pimples, spots, and scars on the skin.
  • In addition, it works to soothe and soften the skin wonderfully.
  • It is a great makeup remover without causing any harm to the skin.
  • Suitable for sensitive skin and does not cause any irritation.

Himalaya aloe vera gel

  • Light on the skin and quickly absorbed.
  • It is effective in moisturizing the skin wonderfully, and it also cleanses it deeply.
  • Protects the skin from harmful sunlight.
  • Moreover, it reduces the effects of burning and relieves irritation and redness of the skin.
  • Tightens the skin and keeps it from dryness.
  • Its price is within everyone’s reach, as it is estimated at about 68 Egyptian pounds.
جل الألوفيرا الاصلي
Original aloe vera gel

Original aloe vera gel for hair

Original aloe vera gel for hair is one of the best products that help protect hair from the damage it may be exposed to, because it provides it with many benefits, which are as follows:

  • It moisturizes and softens hair wonderfully.
  • Gives hair the required shine and vitality.
  • Effective in stimulating blood circulation in the scalp, which contributes to good hair nutrition and thus increases its length and density.
  • It works to protect hair from dandruff.
  • It treats fungi and prevents the growth of bacteria, which helps maintain the smell of hair and protects it from insect reproduction.
  • It can be used by mixing it with castor oil or coconut oil, then putting it on the hair and gently massaging it in a circular motion, then leaving it for an hour, then washing it well with water and shampoo.

Side effects of using aloe vera gel

Although original aloe vera gel has many health benefits for both the skin and hair, it, like other products, can cause some side effects when used, as it can cause itching and irritation of the skin, for those who suffer from it. Allergy to aloe vera gel components.

It may cause a state of diarrhea in some people due to its superior ability to soften the stomach when used, and sometimes it results in spasms and cramps. In addition, it affects the color of the colon and causes its dye, which makes the endoscopy process difficult.

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The difference between green and yellow aloe vera gel

We find two colors of original aloe vera gel, one in green and the other in yellow or transparent, as the green color indicates the purity and original quality of the product, while the other may indicate adulteration of the product or that it was harvested during the monsoon season, which made its color this. The shape is a result of the dry and warm climate of the time.

When original aloe vera gel is exposed to air, it undergoes an oxidation process, which causes its color to change to yellowish or brown, so it must be stored in the refrigerator away from the air.

The price of aloe vera gel in pharmacies

There are several different types of aloe vera gel products in pharmacies, the most prominent of which are Imtenan aloe vera gel, Korean aloe vera gel, Organic aloe vera gel, Himalaya aloe vera gel, and Baraka aloe vera gel.

Its prices range from 45 Egyptian pounds to 470 Egyptian pounds, depending on the concentration of aloe vera gel in the product. The price of Jason Body Wash gel is about 280 Egyptian pounds, while the price of Nature Republic is about 259 Egyptian pounds, and the price of Amara Organics is about 470 pounds. Egypt.

Aloe vera gel at the herbalist

Herbalist stores are one of the best places to get aloe vera gel products, as its price ranges between 75 Egyptian pounds and 92 Egyptian pounds for a 140 ml bottle.

And here we have finished our talk about the original aloe vera gel, which is rich in many vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of the body, hair and skin. It is one of the best products that give the skin and hair a radiant and vibrant appearance. It also increases their luster and brilliance and protects them from the rays of the scorching sun and all external factors.

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Herbal Prescription Developer BY Mohamed SAeed